(Assajada) 32 : 18
أَفَمَنْ كَانَ مُؤْمِنًا كَمَنْ كَانَ فَاسِقًا ۚ لَا يَسْتَوُونَ

Is then, the one who is a believer just like the one who is a transgressor? They are not equal.

Among the people of Messenger Muhammad, whoever reads this verse but does not become a believer with Adhikr—the Lord’s Permission to become a believer—is a transgressor. The hypocrites who knowingly hide Adhikr and their blind followers who reject It are the transgressors mentioned in this verse. They have forgotten Allah, so Allah has also forgotten them. It is mentioned in verses 9: 67-68 that the hypocritical men and women are from each other; they enjoy what is evil, forbid what is just, and close their hands to spend. They have forgotten Allah, so Allah has also forgotten them, indeed, the hypocrites are the transgressors. For the hypocritical men and women and for the Kuffar who reject the Lord’s verses one by one, Allah has promised Hellfire, where they will be eternal. It is enough for them; Allah has cursed them, and they will have enduring punishment. See explanation 2: 99, 159-162, and 3: 86-88.